You've looked behind ze bookcase and found a secret room!! Welcome to The Liberry, where I go to be reminded that I am not alone, that I am following breadcrumbs left for me along an ancient path through a dark wood. The Glossary lives here, and the Better Monsters Lookshelf, my collection of media and art that help me imagine a Better Thistopia.
A flawed creature. Does harm when in pain. Fears being outcast (and fire). Desires kindness.
I use this word pretty interchangeably with "mindfulness." I mean the purposeful act of focusing your mind on one aspect of the moment you are in. Stillness does NOT have the goal of clearing your mind. The only goal of stillness is to Be Still and see what happens.
A state of hope, wonder, interest, curiosity. A belief in hopeful, positive ideals despite evidence of their opposite, such as:
People are inherently Good.
We all want the same things.
One person can change the World.
the children of my siblings; I got this term from adrienne maree brown in her book PLEASURE ACTIVISM. I include my friends' kids in there, too--anyone I'm kind of an Auntie to.
A core feature of the Star Wars universe; an energy field created by all living things
A mix of fear, interest, excitement, curiosity, and joy from something that is creepy/spooky/scary/weird/eerie but isn’t dangerous: movies, books, haunted house attractions, ghost tours, full moon walks in the woods...
Neither Utopia nor Dystopia; the World I live in and have influence over today.
An approach to personal, interpersonal, and cultural change based on careful assessment and intentional action guided by wonder, imagination, curiosity, and delight. Seeks to integrate objective, measurable, predictable Facts with the Truths of Story and Art.
A metaphorical representation of the feared opposition. People, systems, entities we fear will destroy us, humiliate us, or cast us out.
Thought and speech that is snarky, sarcastic, judgmental, caustic, pointlessly negative, or cynical. Functions to create emotional distance. Like fast food, snarkasm tastes delicious, but makes me sick.
Mary Shelley
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